For my ladies with events/special moments where they’d rather not be full and bloated but can’t stand being starved - don’t be! Here’s a great in-between….



No use starving yourself on any day, okay? So this is no excuse to avoid carbs - they will keep you smiling and stave off the hangriness ;)

I like a couple of rice cakes - LOVING the ones from Trader Joe’s, and they’re GF! Plenty crackers will do (just watch for additives: the simpler, the better).


Always on my mind, should be on yours too!

Roasted chickpeas, some nuts, jerkey, an avocado…. these are my go-to on photoshoot or workout days instead of more dairy-based options (yogurt and cottage cheese are among faves I usually snack on!)


In this scenario we’re not trying to get full enough to want to put on an over-sized shirt and lounge-about, right? Now there is NOTHING wrong with that (I freaking love PJ days when necessary) but when you WANT to look good for an occasion and you DECIDE to feel your best and really earn that.. I say stick to some fruits to kind of “fill yourself up” and give yourself that extra sugar boost (natural sugar vs added sugar in processed foods!) Normally that’s not how it is for me because there’s NO PROTEIN in fruit and it’s never gonna be a go-to snack of mine!

Berries are great, maybe some mango, apple or melon. Especially if it is something like a photoshoot or a good few hours squeezed into a tight outfit or a bikini I like fruit to keep your blood sugar up before I grab lunch or dinner with my usual protein, carbs and fats.

*for your own personal guide on what to eat every day, and when to eat it, I’ll create your plan once we talk GOALS: here