


10 reps of weighted close-squats

  • knees, ankles, feet, toes pointing forward

  • weights either by your side or (my preference) hoisted up on either shoulder

  • Squat LOW making sure your feet don’t turn inward

10 on either side of un-weighted split squats

  • hands on hips

  • Front foot flat and forward

  • back foot forward, ankle raised off the floor

  • lunge into your front leg and push up straight, SQUEEZE that back butt cheek



15 reps sumo squats

  • Go heavy here with 1 dumbbell, or use the cable machine (keeps tension throughout)

  • knees wide, feet pointing out

  • A** to the Grass ladies, SLOW and controlled on the way down, and fast up to squeeze

10 reps either side of single lead deadlifts

  • Keep a bend in your standing leg, engage the glutes as you pivot to bring your other leg up and down

  • if using weights: you want your weight in the same hand as your straight leg

  • keep your back straight the entire time, we’re hinging at the hips here



10 reps on either side of Bulgarian Split Squats

  • you’ll need a bench here; place your back leg on the bench, I like to curl toes under

  • front leg STRAIGHT, toes not ever going over your knee, lunge up and down

  • Add weights if you’re confident enough!

20 reps glute bridges

  • I opted for some inner-thigh work here…

  • put the flat of your feet together, knees open like a frog pose

  • squeeze your glutes to bring yourself up. Hold. Lower slowly.

Let me know how it goes! I’d love to hear from you if you just comment on my latest Instagram post @meghankbrown