I may have changed my physical looks, but more importantly I changed my MINDSET!



I was 20 years old, barely eating 2 meals per day - my “routine” was to be starving, sore head (probably dehydration) and just pushing through day by day. That’s not LIVING! And it sure wasn’t healthy living!! Why was I doing this? I was afraid of getting ‘fat.’ I had a terrible relationship with food, and ultimately I wasn’t happy with who I was as a person, so I was convinced that being skinny would somehow make everything better.



25 years old, 1 YEAR on my nutrition plan, I weigh 111 lb (5”2) and I cannot go LITERALLY 3 hours without food! That’s a good thing! I can lift heavier, think clearer, run faster, heal faster…. all the things that make me look in the mirror and smile. Guys, I smile even if I’m bloated, or if my old XS clothes don’t fit cause my glutes are literally too big now! If I expect to lift 275 lb on leg day (and I do!) I just gotta embrace that! What I learned is the power of mindset - you change THAT and you will change your life!